Saturday, September 22, 2007

runaway train

"Like a broken record, i'm stuck at where she left me."

It has been nearly a month plus already. I still behave like it just happened yesterday. On the surface, i'm might look fine but only my close friends know what i'm going through. The thoughts never seem to end, the heartaches never seem to ease, the heavy heart never seem to lighten up.

Everyday for me seem monotonous. As much as i try to occupy my mind, i always go home only to realise that i'm missing her even more. Each time the radio plays my favourite song, my heart goes out to her and hopes she's doing well. I knows she has moved on with her life long ago. Not taking another look back on what we once had.

I still stand at where she left me and have not moved an inch since. I thought I had found someone I could love with all my heart but until a few weeks ago, i was proven wrong.The saddest part is that the only way i keep in contact with her is by the pictures we took.

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